

Technology Integration Specialist, @dadsined co-host, Good Life resident, sports dreamer,

Unnecessary Responsibility

On may way to work today there was a segment on the radio station I was listening to about what you would want that d...

You're the Parent

I think, being an educator whose job is to introduce others to new technology, there is a perception that my kids spe...

It's time

For the longest time I've been hanging on to these time wasters. Both of these apps are quick ways to occupy a small ...

The other side of my Flipboard

Many of my Flipboard magazines relate to my job. I started Flipboard as a way to keep up on topics that I needed to k...

Be Real

I have been blogging for a long time on a variety of platforms. My "Picture a Day" blog, where I've been sharing our ...


I'm in a Voxer group of instructionally techie people and the topic of teaching teachers came up the other day. It's ...

A new opportunity

I'm excited to announce that I've accepted an offer to become the first Technology Integration Specialist in the 50+ ...

Thinking about 1:1

We are getting ready for our second computer lease purchase for our secondary buildings. We are struggling with what ...

Why Create? Why Not?

In school, I was always good at math. I knew my facts. I knew how to solve Algebra problems because I saw Mr. Smith d...

Relevant Accountability

One thing that I don't do a very good job of is follow up with our staff. It's something I know and have been working...